Photo Ethics

  1. For the Blufton photo scandal, I think that the photographer was doing something very wrong because he wasn’t being honest to himself and to his career because he was lying about his work. Nowadays Photoshop is very popular and it is used to better and to enhance things like lighting, texture, and adding more to the photo. Photoshop isn’t a bad thing it just depends on how the photographer is using Photoshop on the image and how much Photoshop is being used.

2) National Geographic’s pyramids photos is the photos I researched. What happened in this case was that a case of digital manipulation was used in the picture. The alteration that was used in this photo was that the horizontal image was altered to fit the vertical cover, shifting the two pyramids closer together. The photographer , Gordon Gahan, saw the cover and complained about it, he had not known about the altered image until the cover came out, so the editing was done without his consent. In my opinion I think it was very wrong for the editor, Wilbur E . Garrett to alter the images because it was not in his hands to do that.

3)Poverty, death, and criminals are all photos that should be appropriate for print because they are informational and spread new about what is currently going around the world. Graphic injuries, violence, and blood in my opinion are not photos that should be appropriate for print because they are too graphic and can be too much for the reader. Nudity is a sensitive topic so I think it just depends on the person and if they want the photo to be printed.

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