


During the FHN varsity soccer game, Taylor El-zeine prepares to go on to the field and play against the opposing team; Troy Buchanan highschool. The game takes place at the FHN fiootball field. el-zein is getting ready to go into the first part of the 90 minute long game.




30 minutes into the FHN varsity soccer game players Taylor El-zein fights to get the ball from the opposing team player ;Troy Buchanan highschool player. The game takes place at the FHN football field and is 90 minutes longs; the players are in the first 45 minutes of the game. FHN player number 21, Victor Castellanos holds back along with one of the Buchanan highschool player.




One of the last games before going off to the district games, FHN varsity soccer team faces Troy Buchanan varsity soccer team. The game takes place at FHN football field and while the players go at it, the referee watches over the game during the second 45 minute part of the game. FHN varsity soccer team ends up winning and the referee takes part of the victory.