Homecoming Court 2017

During the 20 minute half time at the FHN homecoming football game on Sept 22,2107 freshman Brendan Yatez and Isabel Granjeno are getting ready to walk onto the field because they are part of the freshman homecoming court. Yatez and Granejo are part of then four people who were selected by their fellow classmates by their grade to make it onto homecoming court. Their friends and family are excited to see walk down the field.HocoCourt_9.22.17_Romero1

As students get together for the annual homecoming game on Sept.22,2017, sophomore Samantha Bethel enjoys watching the game with the enthusiastic crowd cheering on the FHN football players. Smith discusses plans with her friends during halftime, which only lasted 20 minutes. HocoCourt_9.22.17_Romero2

During the homecoming game at FHN teacher’s and student’s gather to watch the game against Central on Sept 22, 2017. Barnwell Middle school teacher, Jessica Ferri, enjoys some quality time with her son Mason while watching the football game. ” It’s fun coming to the football games once in a while and I get to see my students as well”, Ferri said.





Types of Photos


Leading Lines- Both the girls are pointing and looking at the piece of paper.


Selective Focus- The close-up brings out the specific focus of the fire alarm.


Repetition- The repeating tables emphasize the repetition in the picture.


Strong Subject- The object that is filling the frame is the girl. She is the center of focus.


Worm’s Eye View- The photo is taken from this perspective and shows more of what is seen from this view.


Rule of thirds- The subject is not located in the center, which makes it rule of thirds.


Framing- The natural shape of the door entrance helps form the frame around the subject.